Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Time

Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since my last post until I got on here. That in itself should tell you how busy it has been. Between work, a 20 month old, almost 4 months pregnant and wifely duties, all I want to do it sleep.

Just a recap of the last few months - Adam ran his first half marathon and did a great job, Elleri hasn't slowed down and has given us sneak peeks of the "terrible twos" and I've gotten more pregnant. The first few months this time around weren't so easy but the worst is behind me (I hope).

This past weekend was Halloween (pics above) and Elleri was an M&M. Getting it on was a little bit of an ordeal but was well worth it when we saw how adorable she was.

I must admit that raising a 20 month old, working full time and being a wife doesn't come easy to me. I have 3 full time jobs and I feel it everyday. Those who make it look easy or that it comes natural to I give you props.

1 comment:

HappyascanB said...

What a precious m&m!!!